1. Szent Rita imája [St. Rita’s prayer] (Asha)
2. Az életünk tovaszállt [Our life went by] (Asha & Katinka)
3. Tovaszálló szerelem [The flight of the songbird] (Katinka)
4. Tavaszi szél [The spring wind] (Asha)
5. Mert szerettél [Because you loved me] (Katinka)
6. Parisban járt az Ösz [Autumn came to Paris] (Asha)
7. Ha te tudnád [If you knew] (Asha & Yloush)
8. Misztikus kert [The mystic garden] (Katinka)
9. Ne várj rám [Don’t you wait for me] (Asha & Katinka)
10. Nyitva látám Mennyország kapuját [I saw the gate of heaven open] (Asha)
11. Meghívtál, hogy vízre lépjek [Oceans] (Asha & Alíz)
12. Kerek utca [Round street] (Asha)
13. Tavaszi szél [The spring wind] (Asha & Yloush)
14. Bölcső dal [Cradle song] (Asha & Katinka)
English Versions:
- St. Rita’s prayer on Gospel of Love
- Our life went by on Sirius
- The flight of the songbird on Sirius
- The spring wind on Sun, Sorrow, Flowers, Moon
- Because you loved me on Calvary Hill
- Autumn came to Paris on God Gave Us Flowers
- The mystic garden on Sirius
- Don’t you wait for me on Songs For a More Meaningful Life
- I saw the gate of heaven open on Radio Starlight
- Oceans on Radio Starlight
A word about the songs...
I am an English guy who has migrated to Hungary for spiritual reasons, the catalyst being meeting a Hungarian woman on a spiritual path who also became my muse. We were vitally connected for 7 years and 7 days, like in a fairy tale. Through her I found a spiritual master and community, and also fell in love with Budapest, Hungary, Hungarian culture and history, and the unique mystery of the Hungarian mission on our planet, which is to uphold, protect and serve the living Christ for humanity.
That alone is a supernatural threshold between the physical world and the spiritual world. The heart chakra of the planet lies in the sacred Pilis mountains, just north of Budapest. It used to be in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus, and in Glastonbury at the time of King Arthur. Pure spiritual truth pours into the ether from such portals, as does the water from the mountain springs here, dedicated to the Holy Mother. I collect my drinking water from these springs every month. From my street in the city centre I am just 5 minutes away from the magical parliament building which houses the crown of Hungary (regarded as a being, by spiritual seers, rather than as an object), and beyond the Margaret bridge I can see the Pilis mountains.
I have come to realise that my role as a musician is to bring spiritual reality a little closer to the human heart through song. In a former age I might have been a Grail minstrel. On this album there are 6 of my own songs in Hungarian, and 8 other traditional or spiritual Hungarian ballads.
My favourite poet here is Ady Endre and I include my version of his poem ‘Parisban járt az Ösz’ set to music by Misztrál. I am fascinated by the spiritual depth of Hungarian poetry, and find that I live on the same streets that Radnóti Miklós lived on, and I regularly go and chat to the statue of József Attila by the Danube, just 5 minutes away. Several of the songs I include here are folk-ballads from Moldva, the eastern part of Transylvanian Hungary regarded as the cradle of the magyar spiritual culture.
I call the whole album “Mert Szerettél” because without the intensity of the love I felt from, and for my Hungarian muse, this transcendent portal would have remained invisible to me. Looking back, our meeting and connection was clearly orchestrated by the angels to guide us on the right path as we journeyed ever-deeper into the mysteries of creation.
And as it transpires, as an Englishman I can now reflect back the beauty and profundity of Hungary to the Hungarians themselves, through song. I have got my residency papers, but much more importantly I have received a spiritual invite and welcome from the Hungarian archangel! My physical body has migrated, but because of the intensity of the love feeling, so has my soul.
I dedicate these songs to my muse… I have come home in my heart because you loved me.